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this corpsed harvey skeleton appears to have recently come from the grave!  he still has dried flesh all over his body, giving a very eerie look and feel to it.  want to make the kids afraid, this will do it.  life-size at 5' 6", weighs 18 pounds and made from solid durable pvc plastic through out. All bones are solid, except for the skull which is hallow.

this adult skeleton features a hanging hook at the top of the skull, jointed and articulated arms, legs, fingers and toes. Although in this corpsed state, not as movable as in aged or normal skeleton.

there is a harvey stand available for this, sold separately. See store for this stand, and if purchase stand and skeleton at same time, the stand will ship in same box as harvey skeleton, help save on shipping.

Corpsed 2nd Class Life Size Harvey Skeleton

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